No More Landmines -
Dangerous Ground Project

This campaign was all about dramatising the fact that for millions of people, the ground can be a dangerous place to be.

Working with Creative Directors Thiago de Moraes and Micky Tudor we put together a campaign with a clear objective - clear 50,000Sq Metres of minefield in Cambodia

To do this, Lewis, a Freerunner circumnavigated the same amount of land - only this time it was London’s Iconic Southbank, all without touching the ground.


I was the photographer on the shoot, capturing over 2000 frames that made up the flipbook style content for the website and a film.

All the images came together to form a contemporary zoetrope on a website coded by Dan Fontana and I.


Watch the Flipbook Video. Expertly edited together by Ed Swabey.

A creative piece to highlight the cause would not have been enough. We asked famous to photographers to donate work on the theme of not touching the ground to be put together into an exhibition and fund raising charity auction.


I also created other assets to support the charity including a new magazine layout, and a tee-shirt design that was sold at a London to Windsor cycle ride event.